Factories Shift Focus due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

Unless you have been living on another planet you will be aware of the new highly contagious respiratory illness called Covid-19 which is carried from person to person by the coronavirus.

Current best practice

  • Information changes quickly as more is discovered on the virus so stay informed and only follow responsible sources such as the World Health Organisation and your Government information.
    Wash hands regularly and for at least 20 seconds each time.
  • If you sneeze use a tissue and dispose immediately. If you do not have a tissue available, sneeze into your elbow and turn away from anyone in your vicinity.
  • Maintain social distancing.
  • Stay at home if you feel unwell, have flu symptoms, temperature, breathing difficulties, dizziness and call rather than visit your local healthcare provider.

Dogs and other domestic animals cannot catch or pass on the Covid-19 virus.

Latest figures released by the World Health Organisation advise that 166 countries are now affected with in excess of 317,000 people confirmed infected with the virus and 13,600 confirmed deaths. These figures are rising daily.

Factory closed coronavirus

All over the world factories are taking best precautions and are closing their doors due to the highly contagious nature of this seemingly unstoppable pandemic which is sweeping across the world with never-before-seen alacrity.

With the best science minds working day and night to conquer this deadly disease, factory closed coronavirus are taking matters into their own hands and doing what is best for their employees and closing plants down in an effort to slow the spread of the pandemic.

Due to the unknown quantity of this virus, factory owners are in the dark as to what to do next and large employers such as the US giant General Motors, the Vauxhall plant in Luton, UK and the Nissan works located in Spain and Italy are now closed with many more sure to follow suit.

Factory closed coronavirus is becoming more prevalent as the days go on.

Rather than simply to close down factories – factory closed coronavirus – UK Prime Minister Boris Johnston has appealed to plants such as Rolls Royce, Dyson and JCB to adapt existing production lines to the manufacturing of ventilation equipment to help deal with the increase of patients in hospitals with respiratory problems caused by coronavirus.

Whether this is achievable within timescale in terms of supply chain outlets, staff training and logistics remains to be seen but recent reports hint that blueprints have already been created and British companies may be requisitioned to manufacture this life-saving equipment in its simplest form; not dissimilar to the efforts of British factories who turned to war effort production during the Second World War.

Factory closed coronavirus send people away worried, fearful and in despair of their lives and those of their loved ones.

Using redundant factories to build much-needed equipment to help save lives whilst a scientific antidote is being found is surely a better alternative and a much needed boost for society to focus on rather than sitting at home and being afraid.

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